I've worked as a reporter for nearly 50 years, covering many beats -- politics, government, television, the media business, corporate sustainability, the nonprofit world and, most recently, psychedelics. I've written for FORTUNE, The Guardian, The Chronicle of Philanthropy and many other publications. I've reported from across the US, as well as from China, India, Japan, the UK, Germany, Ghana and Rwanda. It's been a great ride.

These days, I write about psychedelics, smoking and vaping, animal rights, philanthropy and effective altruism. I collexct my work in three magazines on Medium: The Psychedelic Renaissance, The Great Vape Debate and Nonprofit Chronicles. You can subscribe to my stories by email, below.

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Medium member since March 2019
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Marc Gunther

Marc Gunther

Book Author

Reporting on psychedelics, tobacco, philanthropy, animal welfare, etc. Ex-Fortune. Words in The Guardian, NYTimes, WPost, Vox. Baseball fan. Runner.